Monday, April 8, 2013

Sakinah Mawaddah Wa Rahmah

Salam wbt

Dah lama puan rumah tak update, dah bersawang murasakinaichigo. A lots of things happen since my last update and alhamdulillah I cannot thank Allah enough for the all blessing. Alhamdulillah alhmdulillah alhmdulillah. Terima kasih Allah atas nikmatmu. Semoga hambamu ini tidak alpa dengan nikmat yang diberi malah bertambah tunduk melaksanakan perintah dan meninggalkan larangan mu. 

Indeed, good things come those who wait. Just be patient and Allah have something special for u and me. Have faith to Allah. Keep a good mind to Allah.

When we seek the things we love through the means or through ourselves, we hurt ourselves, we hurt others, and we don’t reach what we are seeking. We become terrified of losing what we love, so we engage in different forms of ‘chasing behaviors’. But, ironically chasing the creation only makes it go further away. To have what you love, seek it through Allah. What is sought through Allah is never far away. And never lost. Sometimes it waits for you in jennah, but the believer already has everything he loves. Some of it is given in this life; some is given in the next. But it is always given, and is already yours.

Thank you abang, inshaa Allah cinta kerana Allah. Ameen

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Salam wbt

Nampaknya dah habis study pun busy yang tak sudah-sudah

hari ni terdetik nak menulis, sebenarnya tengah rasa sedih

Ya Allah rasa mcm diri ni ghurabaa'. yes ghurabaa' org asing. rasa mcm sendiri. i don't know how to express my feeling of emptiness right know.

Ya Allah, mereka mmg takkan pernah fhm dengan apa yang aku buat dan kenapa keputusan tersebut yang ku ambil.

Memang benar, kdg2 Allah mahu kita rasa lonely tanpa manusia yang selama ni kita sangat bergantung dan sayang hanya utk menyedarkan kita bahawa Allah lah yang tak pernah meninggalkan kita. through our hard and happy times, salah atau betul kita. Allah, allah ampunkan kelalailanku. ampunkan aku kerana merasakan kehadiran hambamu lebih penting dari mu.



Friday, February 1, 2013

Quick Update

Salam wbt

Just a quick update, jam menunjukkan pukul 12.48 a.m. Balik usrah tadi pun dah pukul 11 lebih.

Its late already, tapi nak stay up to finish up school work. Bukan murid je yang ada kerja sekolah, cikgu pun ada jugak.huhu

Tak sempat nak berceloteh panjang, lets the picture speak. Alhmdulillah ala kulli hal..finally *senyum relief*

Thank you Allah *sob sob*

Boleh menyambung kembali jawatan master chef, kecian blog masakan dah jd blog celoteh

Will update more recipes soon


Till then

Salam wbt

Monday, January 14, 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt..

Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah alhamdulillah

Tiada kata dapat menggambarkan perasaan syukur dalam hati. Thank you dear Allah for the gift of solace and a calm heart. Alhamdulillah *senyum lebar*

Finish sitting for final paper for this semester and definitely this is the last one. Alhamdulillah. I'm sure I will miss all the memories in this two years of bitter, sweet, sour, tears, laugh and many more. Rasa lega juga dah hantar assignment Behavior Disorder yang sangatla terlewat, I pray that Allah will soften the heart of Dr Y..

All in all, I can say that I'm merdeka already, but one thing still on the hold, I'm still waiting for the feedbacks for my thesis. Apa-apa pun, in shaa Allah perkara tu mungkin memerlukan efforts yang tak begitu banyak untuk ditangani. *Really hope*

After exams just now, I went to Pusat Kesihatan Mahasiswa and having a teeth scalling. Scarry but I have to embolden myself. It was really hurts. Seriously, I should be more particular while brushing my teeth and have to consistenly gargle a brine to prevent a bleedings gums. Despite the hard time during scalling time, Alhamdulillah the nurse and the dentist was very polite, friendly and helpful.

Mulut rasa sangat bersih, yeay!

Thinking of cooking something for dinner tonite. When I'm happy I love to cook and share with my love one..

Tunggu update resepi. 

Till we meet again *smile*

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ahad yang penuh semangat

Assalamualaikum wbt

Hari Ahad yang penuh semangat..

Lepas subuh hari ni

------> Baca Al-Quran
------> Kemas bilik
------> Basuh kain baju
------> Mandi manda

Begitu bersemangat despite batuk-batuk dan selsema lagi

------> Sidai kain
------> Bergerak menuju ke UTM bersama Fateh kesayangan
------> Sampai UTM terus ke Kafe Meranti bersarapan siap tapau lagi persediaan nak bertapa di PSZ
------> Park Fateh di PSZ
------> Dapatkan bilik Carrel K70
------> Pergi MSI, lupa nak dhuha di rumah
------> Masuk balik PSZ, bukak beg cari buku Human Development

Suddenly realize one thing, I left that book on the table!
Uwaaahaa, harunya rasa hati, di pagi hari Ahad yang begitu begitu bersemangat nak study ni, buku pulak tertinggal. Aduhai..

Nak pergi cari buku dulu kat PSZ, kot-kot ada buku yang sama atau lebih kurang....

Kalau balik rumah mcm rugi, lagi pun stado bukannya study. dan nak ambik Kak Pah kat airport petang nanti senang straight dari UTM lagi dekat..