Monday, December 19, 2011

Something I Really Wanted

Salam wbt..

Something I really wanted years ago..I keep praying to Allah that someday He'll give me a chance to feel THAT..sometimes when we pray we keep wondering "Does He listen to our prayer?" Indeed Allah is closer than our veins...Yes.Yes.Allah does answer our prayers. You just have to believe, keep bersangka baik dengan Allah, have a beautiful patience..insha allah everything wil be fine..Alhmdulillah. This is a precious gift for me. Thank u dear Allah for this blessing...

Thanks Allah for this >__<

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I believe

Salam wbt

Working on some writing, idea tak mau keluar.What to do ?? huhu.Ya Allah berikanlah ilham padaku..Insha Allah i will NOT give up. Usaha tangga kejayaan. I believe. Allahhh

When you’re searching for the light
And you see no hope in sight
Be sure and have no doubt
He’s always close to you

He’s the one who knows you best
He knows what’s in your heart
You’ll find your peace at last
If you just have faith in Him

You’re always in our hearts and minds
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
My biggest wish is to see you one day

I believe
I believe
Do you believe, oh do you believe?

Coz I believe
In a man who used to be
So full of love and harmony
He fought for peace and liberty
And never would he hurt anything
He was a mercy for mankind
A teacher till the end of time
No creature could be compared to him
So full of light and blessings

You’re always in our hearts and minds
Your name is mentioned every day
I’ll follow you no matter what
If God wills we’ll meet one day

If you lose your way
Believe in a better day
Trials will come
But surely they will fade away
If you just believe
What is plain to see
Just open your heart
And let His love flow through

I believe I believe, I believe I believe
And now I feel my heart is at peace

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Salam wbt

Diam tak diam sekejap je masa berlalu..bila dingat-ingat balik seakan tak percaya dah sampai pun ke penghujung tahun 2011..Alhmdulillah, syukur masih diberi peluang oleh Sang Pencipta untuk menghirup udara di bumi milikNya ini.Sepanjang tahun 2011 ni, banyak sangat nikmat yang Allah bagi. Umur, pekerjaan, ilmu, keluarga, sahabat dan tarbiah. Marilah kita sama2 muhasabah kembali apa yang Allah dah beri pada kita agar kita ni boleh jadi hamba yang bersyukur. Saya akui setiap dari kita pasti mempunyai keinginan yang pasti tak tertunai lagi. Saya pun ada, Setiap kita pasti ada. Walaubagaimanapun, cuba renung-renung kembali semua nikmat yang Allah dah bagi..banyak bukan..rasa kalau di buat list mesti panjang berjela.. Maka kita, bila mana rasa down aja, kurang tu kurang ni, tak dapat itu tak dapat ini, cuba muhasabah balik apa yang Allah dah bagi sebenarnya mmg dah cukup banyak...selalunya kita jarang nak bersyukur..Mudah-mudahan bila kita jadi hambaNya yang banyak bersyukur, Allah tambah lagi nikmat yang lain-lain...Bersangka baik dengan Allah.Insha Allah..Ya Allah, jadikan aku hambamu yang bersyukur..